Business Story(t)Selling

What if you could tell business stories that fascinate
- AND sell?

Business Story(t)Selling... a framework that takes you behind the scenes of storytelling
and teaches you how to effortlessly capture and tell your stories to sell.

Stories that captivate your audience because they are utterly and convincingly YOU.

No templates, no generic prompts
- just a framework that lets you authentically tell stories that matter -
from person to person!

...and it takes you less than a day to discover what you need to know about transporting your peeps past the objection pit straight into your world  of undivided attention!

One-off payment of just $47 for immediate access!

You know how important storytelling is
and that storytelling is THE skill you need to genuinely connect with your audience 
 - and SELL

But you don't know how to get started in the first place.

Especially if you don't know which message you want to put out into the world...

If you know that you need stories to sell your services but feel... you've lived under a rock because everyone else seems to know what goes into a story, but you don't no one wants to hear your story anyway you have no stories to tell that have enough meaning to stand out the prompts and templates you have bought don't work for you you've tried to write your brand story for ages and just can't pin it down

If that sounds like you, then you are exactly in the right place!

You want to tell your stories but what you don't want is
losing your personal edge because your story is riding the same wave
as everybody else's story

You definitely don't want to plug your details into different swipe files that turn your stories into pulp fiction.

You want to lift your stories from:

Uninspiring, boring & blueprinted

Fascinating, meaningful & high-converting

The truth is...

...that great business stories are told when you really understand the science of storytelling.
A hack that promises you to get your whole week's content written in 30 minutes, has one big flaw:
You'd be creating generic, one-dimensional stories that are as exciting as a microwave instruction manual.

But when you understand the science of storytelling...

You can write stories for a specific purpose and

Convert prospects to clients without going through rounds and rounds of objections

Make your audience see the value in your services & build a waitlist of people who are keen to work with you

Create emotions that compel your readers to take action

Be someone who inspires and empowers others

Reach your goals and write a new and daring version of your life's story

Which means that you...

Have a steadily growing network of engaged followers

More time to spend with your family and friends because your marketing (almost) runs on autopilot

Have people asking to hear your stories and landing your first speaking engagements

Can focus on the fun parts of your business because you now have a strong team to support you

"A deeper understanding of storytelling creates clarity and opportunities"

Kristine Kolzing

CEO, The Alignment Tribe

Before working with Kirsten I wrote a lot of posts, a podcast, and tried to write a blog years ago. I had some training in copy and content creation, but I felt like I wasn’t getting traction.

[...] After working with Kirsten I feel way more confident in both my writing and who my audience is! [...] now when I write, I know exactly what problems I’m solving and for whom. When I write my podcast, it has a better flow, more stories, and it’s starting to get more listeners. When I write my content, I know exactly who I’m talking to and it feels so much easier [...]

I got more clarity on my ideal client, discovered my brand voice, and I learned more about myself and how my strengths serve my clients. [...]

"A perfectly placed, impeccably-delivered story can transport a person to a place beyond interested, straight past paying attention, and into a state of complete captivation." 

- Kindra Hall

We all know that it is the WHY that sells your products and services. It is the WHY that connects with your audience and lets them resonate with you and what you stand for.

Storytelling is the HOW that lets you achieve that. It is one of the most powerful tools that you can use to build your business.

And it is so powerful, because human brains are pre-programmed for storytelling. People simply cannot resist the attraction of storytelling.

So, why would you not use a tool that is able to take your listeners on a journey that captivates, influences, and transforms them so that they align with your way of thinking?

Why would you not use a tool that lets you take action exactly in the place where you can influence decision making - your audience's subconscious minds?

Maybe because you haven't yet discovered the science of good storytelling...

Storytelling is not about using a generic prompt, swipe file or blueprint.

It's not "painting by numbers" with words.

Blueprint writing never creates the same impact as a story that has been written by someone who understands the science of storytelling.

And that's not rocket science...

Business Story(t)Selling is a proven framework that introduces you to the essential elements of storytelling and how to transform them into unique, personalised, and captivating stories.

Business Story(t)Selling has been designed for entrepreneurs who want to use stories strategically and create specific outcomes with their stories.

It's all you need to know about:

Why people love stories & what happens in their brains when they listen to stories so that you can deliberately influence & persuade with stories

The 5 different story lines & 5 ingredients every story needs so that you can write stories that subconsciously connect

How to write your brand story in a way that it deeply resonates with your audience

How to write your stories with a step by step process that ensures that you get every detail right

Refining your customer avatar so that you write exactly what your ideal clients want to hear

The 4 different types of stories that every business needs to tell for customers to understand your offer's value, why they should work with you & why they should trust you

Finding a message that matters to your customers so that they listen to you

What's included?

Module #1 - Why humans love stories

Discover what happens in the human brain when they listen to stories and learn about stories & hormones - all about empathy and paying attention.
Including one video & the video slides.

Module #2 - What makes a good story

Learn about 5 classical story lines that work for business and the 5 ingredients that every story needs to create lasting impacts.
Including one video, the video slides & two worksheets

Module #3 - How to write a story

Learn the steps you need to go through to write a story that resonates with your audience - starting with your brand story.
Including one video, the video slides & one worksheet.

Bonus #1 - Who wants to hear my stories?

Refine your customer avatar for storytelling.
Including one worksheet.

Bonus #2 - Stories every business needs to tell

Discover the 4 story types every business needs to tell
Including one video, the video slides & a story overview slide.

Bonus #3 - Creating stories with a message that matters

Match your story with a message that deeply matters to your audience.
Including one worksheet.

Dive right in for a one-time price of only $47 USD!

And I am not going to insult you by making up imaginary values for each different module and bonus only to discount it to next to nothing.

I trust you to know by now that $47 USD is a ridiculously small amount for a skill that you can use for the rest of your life.

The choice is yours... 

Hi there! 

I'm Kirsten Back and I'm a copywriter, copy strategist, and I teach copywriting.

My favourite part of teaching is when my clients have a ground-breaking AHA moment. It's when everything falls into place for them and they crack a tough-nut writing problem that's stopped them from being noticed, from really connecting with their audience, and ultimately from closing sales.
When I started my business in 2015, I definitely wasn't closing sales as I expected. In fact, I was really terrible at it and watched other entrepreneurs growing their businesses quickly while I was spinning my wheels.
It wasn't until I got hooked by TED talks that I discovered something important that gave me my biggest AHA moment: It wasn't the topics that made certain TED talks go viral - it was the storytelling.
In just 18 minutes TED presenters turn strangers into believers.
So, what if I used storytelling to turn strangers into customers?
What if I create a framework that teaches entrepreneurs how to turn their stories into a powerful sales tool?
Now, I don't like blueprints because they kill individuality and lead to generic story mush.

That's why I created a framework that teaches you all you need to know about business storytelling while giving you enough guidance to write highly personalised stories that transport people into your world and let them believe in you and your offer.
Since I created my Business Story(t)Selling framework, I have been able to:

Attract the attention of my ideal clients

Get so much more engagement on social media

Increase my closing rate to 68%

Get referrals from people I have never worked with

For much less than the cost of one hour of your time -
the Business Story(t)Selling framework is yours!

So, what is it worth to you to never having to struggle with writing your stories ever again?

Business Story(t)Selling

$47 USD

  • The WHY, HOW & WHAT of telling any story your business needs to tell

    • Intro & behind the scenes of the secret power of storytelling
    • What makes a good story? Discover the ingredients that make a good story
    • Writing your stories - a step-by-step guide to writing powerful stories
    • Bonus #1 - Fine-tuning your avatar for stories
    • Bonus #2 - 4 Stories you must tell in business
    • Bonus #3 - Matching your story with a message that matters
Yes! I'm in!

Are you still sitting on the fence?

Here are a few more things that I wanted to tell you:

The teaching videos will give you a deeper background & details that teach the WHY, HOW & WHAT of storytelling so that it becomes clear what storytelling is and how to use it.

The writing worksheets will take you step by step through all the foundational work so that you can put everything together without overwhelm of having to write your stories without guidance

With learning more about different story elements, you'll get clarity on the details that your story needs to fascinate your audience

The avatar worksheet will refine your messaging and define what your audience wants to hear

With understanding the 4 story types you know which stories to tell in different business situations

The messaging worksheet will enable you to extract a message that matters from every story you tell

After completing the course, you will be a confident storyteller who tells stories with a specific purpose in mind

If there are any other questions that you'd like to be answered, then just scroll a little further and read the frequently asked questions.

They should cover what you still need to know. 


This course is for entrepreneurs who really want to understand and learn the skill of storytelling and then frequently use it to see the results. 

That depends on you, what kind of insights and documents you already have on your business, and how thoroughly you work through the course material.

It's possible that you refer back to the material a few times and until you have totally internalised the course's storytelling knowledge.

Once your payment has cleared through the PayPal payment portal, you'll receive emails that will give you access to the course portal.

You can then watch all videos from the portal, access and download all pdf worksheets. 

The course includes video trainings, the videos' presentation slides & downloadable pdf worksheets.

There's no dedicated Facebook group for this course. However, I have a free Facebook group that you can join and where you can ask any questions you have related to this course.

As soon as you have completed the payment and received your course access details.

This is a "no-brainer" - Only  a single one-off payment of just $47 for immediate access!