The Sales Page Power Hour

Purposefully grow your small business with persuasive & converting sales pages

A sales page writing package that supports you with feedback where other courses leave you to struggle on your own

Taking the stress and struggle out of writing sales pages.

Sales pages are built section by section and require process, framework, and (copy-) writing skills that take you from planning to client conversion.

Any YOU deserve a support system that answers your questions, gives you feedback, and helps you write sales pages that create an impact.

There are psychological principles that make great sales pages so effective.

Sales pages follow a building plan where each section serves  a purpose. Understanding these principles and developing techniques that transform your words into powerful messages is a skill that is valuable beyond your sales pages.

Read on about how you can create sales pages step-by-step and without overwhelm - all while accumulating knowledge and insights that serve you and your business for years to come. 

Selling your offer results from how clearly you are able to convey your offer's value through your messaging

"It was so excruciatingly hard to write my sales page and what I wrote had no flow and the outcome of my offer was very unclear."
- Felicity

"If I could, I'd outsource all my copy! Writing copy is such a pain..."

Especially when you are already stretched with all the other things you have to do to sign on new clients - and serve those you are already working with.

You know that you have amazing services, a membership or online course to offer - and all that's slowing you down is the amount of time you spend converting clients and your reluctance (or even fear???) to write and wrestle your thoughts into sentences that make people buy.

You need an effective tool to convert clients and know that your offer doesn't sell itself...

Or does it???

You may have a "funnel" system that is ready to go... only that your sales page is the bottleneck.

You haven't even started writing  - because the thought of writing your sales page makes you panic and feel lost for words.

Maybe you do have a sales page already - you've followed a blueprint or copied someone else's. But that page feels all wrong and what's worse - you haven't made a single sale from it!

You are painfully aware that your sales page is not working as it should and that no one will buy from you without a converting sales page.

And believe me when I say "it's not your fault!"

Because you have done everything that you've been told to do...

But yet you are confused and don't know how to fix your sales page dilemma. You feel discouraged because you know that you are leaving money on the table and clients with your competitors.

Heck! You don't even know where to start!

There's only one more thing - hoping for things to sort themselves out - or not taking action won't change anything.

But here's what would change if you had a converting sales page...

A converting sales page not only sells your services. It also...

Gives you clarity about how to communicate the value of your offer - in any situation

Lets you appreciate the value of your services and guides you when aligning your prices with the value that your clients see in your services

Confirms that you are an expert because you share insights, empathy, and a level of understanding that makes a difference to your clients

Pre-qualifies your audience because it allows you to give your potential clients every feature, benefit, and outcome they need to know to make a decision

Saves you time as part of an automated sales funnel

Gives you space to serve your clients rather than spending hours on Zoom tied up in sales calls

Lets you relax because you know that you've got a 24/7 "sales system" that runs on autopilot while you focus on what you love doing

And imagine...

When an entrepreneur is about to make a decision, she finds your sales page

Next, she skims your sales page and gets hooked into reading it in more detail

Then she compares your offer with competitive offers 

Finally, she  makes a buying decision because  she knows that you are the best fit to work with her

All this while, every day, you can focus on serving your clients or doing whatever you love doing - instead of spending hours in sales calls!

And it's not the marketing jargon that sells your services...

It is the copywriting knowledge, structure, offer details, the perceived value, and the ability to create an emotional connection with your audience that lifts your sales page from...

Unconvincing, irrelevant & templated

Persuasive, meaningful & high-converting

It is about the journey

Your audience comes to you with a desire to invest in a solution that solves their problem. And they are looking for something and someone very specific.

But before they sign up with you, they want to...


Your audience has done the research and they are ready to invest in the right expert.

Your sales page needs to give them the details that prove that you are exactly who they want to work with.


People are buying from people and your audience needs to be sure that  you are personally aligned.

Your sales page needs to be authentic with messaging that shows that you totally understand your audience.


Your audience wants to see that you are true to your word and that they can be sure that you and your solution deliver on your promise.

Your sales page needs to contain elements that prove your credibility and your status as an expert.

And then they...


95% of all buying decisions are made emotionally - 5% are rational justification.

Your sales page needs to create a strong emotional bond and have all the details that allows them to rationally justify the emotional decision they've made.

It is also about YOUR journey  

And your knowledge!

The reason why it's so hard to write a sales page is because you don't know...

WHAT to write because you don't know what kind of details your reader needs to hear

HOW to write because you don't know which copywriting tools and techniques to use in the different sections

WHY you need certain elements and avoid others so that you understand what is going on in your reader's mind at each step of their journey

WHERE and in which order everything goes on your sales page so that you follow a structure that leads to higher conversion

WHO exactly you are writing for because you need a little more clarity about your ideal customer avatar

Following a template lets you write a standard sales page - but following a framework that teaches you copywriting tools, techniques, and structures - helps you extract the messages that your audience needs to hear to make an informed decision - and it lifts you (and your sales page) to a new level of connection and conversion.

And that takes time (and a somewhat annoying amount of copy)...

But who's reading through my whole sales page, anyway?

You are still reading, right?

Even if your potential buyers are not reading every single word, they are still skimming your sales page and read those sections that give them the information they need most.

And then they are going back to those sections that give them some more details that they need to know. Depending on how well informed they get to your sales page and what type of buyer they are -  they need to find all the information they NEED to make a buying decision on your sales page.

They may not read in chronological order but they will jump backwards and forwards to find exactly those details that answer their questions and silence their objections so that they can make informed decisions without buyer's remorse or doubt!

They also understand the cost of not taking action and which outcomes they can't achieve because they are not investing in you

But to accomplish that, you need to be crystal clear on what exactly you are selling, who your offer is for, what outcome your clients are going to reach, and how your offer is delivered.

There are four steps that I will walk you through...


Re-cap on brand foundations like...

Your personal points of difference - so that you can authentically show up for your audience – and stand out based on your experience, knowledge, strengths, and personality

Your personal brand - to ensure that your brand story, core messages like mission, vision & values, brand positioning and differentiation resonate with the right people

Your customer avatar - so that you know what your ideal clients need to hear 

Your offer – to ensure that you offer the transformation your ideal clients need and want 


Discover all you need to know about writing sales pages like…

Your customer’s journey – so that you can pick your clients up at the right spot

The structure of a sales page – so that you have a framework that stops you guessing what you should write about and in which order

The different “elements” of a sales page and how to write them so that you don’t need to worry about how to write about pain points, dreams, benefits etc.


Writing and editing processes that…

Kills writer’s block because you can follow a step-by-step writing process that really works

Helps you write a decent draft that gets you ready for our 1:1 sessions

Gets your copy ready to launch without embarrassing typos and clunky sentences


And a 1:1 component that contains…

My personal feedback on your first decent draft (yep, that’s the part where I get my virtual pencil out and add lots of comments and suggestions to your draft!)

A 1-hour Zoom meeting where we walk through your revised and edited next draft – so that you are ready to run your sales page through your final proofreading & editing cycle before you go live

What would it mean to you if you knew how to write sales pages that lead your prospects to "Heck yes! Sign me on!"? 

You'd have peace of mind because you’d have a skill that drives your online success and lasts you your whole entrepreneurial lifetime!

You'd be confident that you understand the theory and know how to use the right combination of copywriting techniques, structures, elements, psychology to achieve the effects you desire…  

You'd combine that knowledge with specific details – your differentiation, customer avatar needs, pain points & wants, branding, offer details and the resulting benefits - to create a trust-inspired connection with your audience…  
You'd translate those details into the right (amount of) words and phrases that your customers need to hear, are familiar with, and resonate with…  

And you'd have a process at your fingertips that makes it easy to write sales pages without staring at your blinking cursor for hours on end. 

That would take a load off your mind and allow you to be fully present when working with clients, enjoy a lunchtime coffee with a friend, relaxing on the couch or going to the gym before it gets too crowded...

But don't other online sales page courses promise the same?

They do!

But they give you a little background knowledge and a blueprint that lets you plug in your details into a pre-written template…

But after that, you’re on your own – with the knowledge that your sales page isn’t quite there, with a bunch of bonuses that take your focus off your target, with feelings of doubt because you can’t ask anyone for help, and some questions that you need to be answered in order to lift your sales page from "kind of awful" to awesome.  

You know that you have all the parts that you need for a sales page but that your current draft is a bit like a copywriting version of Frankenstein’s monster.  

It has all the parts it needs, but these parts are not particularly pretty or functional. Your sales page feels disjointed and has no flow. It feels like 10 different people have been working on it without communicating.  And what's worse - it isn't oozing the value that makes your prospects say "Heck yes! I'm in!"

And that’s why I have created the “Sales Page Power Hour”!  

It gives you all the knowledge you need to write a sales page – but then, I personally guide you through the process of lifting your sales page from awful to awesome.  The “Sales Page Power Hour” gives you direct access to me.  

I use my copywriting brain and experience to critically review your sales page and identify the areas that need more work.  

Once you’ve given your first draft a good overhaul, we meet in a Zoom call and spend an intense hour of 1:1 time fine-tuning your sales page.  

After our 1:1 power hour you’ll know exactly how to fix the last few “bumps” so that your sales page is ready to go live – and you have gained the knowledge of how to write a sales page that connects with the right kind of people and persuades them to work with you.  

There’s only one little issue that I need to mention…  

The "Sales Page Power Hour" package demands a decent amount of effort from you...

But is absolutely right for you if...

You enjoy learning...

and appreciate constructive and straight-forward feedback (no sugar-coating!)

You're eager to gain  knowledge...

that will prevent sales page writer’s block and teaches you a critical business skill that you can capitalise on for years to come!

You've figured that...

the ROI on your time and money investment is very neatly balanced in your favour because your sales page will generate the clients that you want

You know...

that neither blueprints nor copywriters will get you the same results because you are the only person that understands your business to an incredibly deep level

You're done with...

generic blueprints and appreciate the freedom, flexibility, and endless potential that a flexible framework and true understanding (and practice) of the craft of writing sales page copy will give you

You understand...

that the knowledge you gain through writing your own sales page will allow you to pitch and talk about your business on an entirely new level – and you know how to finally find the right words for making your clients understand that you are the best person to give them what they want - and what they truly need!

And because this package demands a lot from me and you, I know that the Sales Page Power Hour is not for everyone.

the "sales page power hour" is not right for you if...

You want a quick fix...

and expect a set of "fill in the blank" templates

Speed is more...

important to you than quality and results

You believe that...

writing well is a gift that cannot be learned

You Don't enjoy learning...

Because this package is stuffed with essential knowledge that you will benefit from in many other areas like sales calls or pitching your services

You're uncomfortable with...

digging deep.
Because many of the powerful  details and concepts are hidden beneath the surface

You're not dedicated enough...

to yourself and your business to find the time to go the full length of the programme

If the "Sales Page Power Hour" is right for you, you can enrol right here!

It is delivered to you in a comprehensive package that contains a unique combination of online learning and 1:1 coaching

Teaching Videos

Lifetime access to an online course platform that contains videos that teach you all you need to know in a step-by-step approach


Workbooks, checklists and cheat sheets that let you complete one task at a time until your whole sales page is written

Written Feedback

Detailed feedback from me on your sales page. This allows me to pick out specific points you can improve on and lets you fine-tune your copy until it works for you.

1:1 Live Workshop Session

A 60-minute Zoom call where I can answer your questions and review final changes together with you.

Sales Page Power Hour
  - INtroductory price -


One-time fee, USD

  • Lifetime online course access
  • Workbooks, checklists & cheat sheets
  • Written feedback on your copy
  • 1:1 Live workshop session

So, why should you trust me that the "Sales Power Hour" will work for you?

This is a very valid question – and one that I’m quite eager to answer.

I have been in the “persuasion” business for over 20 years – first in a large corporation and since 2015 as a copywriter.

I have spent many years crafting messages that compel people to take desired actions – and sales pages are one fascinating (although critically important) way of doing just that.

The clients I’ve been working with have been able to sell services that they couldn’t previously sell, they’ve discovered how to write in a language that speaks to their ideal clients and “convinced” clients away from their competition.

And that’s what I do every day now – I work with people like you to define their messaging strategy, help them to discover the language and the words they need to create success for their business.  

Speaking of sales pages that means… 

Extracting messages that convey value, connect, and resonate 

Wording messages that persuade and compel to act

Using language that makes prospects feel understood

Sharing the information prospects need to make a buying decision

Structuring sales pages for conversion

In other words...

Writing sales pages that convert!

I not only believe in empowerment through knowledge, but that implementation makes a difference between hearing crickets and the (virtual) jingling of coins in your bank account.

 The “Sales Power Hour” will work for you because it combines knowledge with implementation and feedback.  

Because it teaches you how to write your messages in your own voice instead of plugging your details into an overused “fill-in-the-blank” template.

And because it gives you that little extra “human to human” help that you need when using a brand new skill. 

 "As a professional funnel designer who has written and built hundreds of sales funnels for various types of businesses, I was surprised when I found myself struggling to write my own sales page.

I had created a high ticket program that had many moving parts and various sales pages and I think I was just too close to the project. Because every time I sat down to write the sales page… heck every time I even tried to verbally explain what I was doing, I just couldn’t find the right words. My explanation was long and drawn out and complicated and my message just wasn’t clear. It was cluttered. Blurry. I knew I needed some help.  

I met Kirsten by chance, she was a Facebook friend that popped up in my newsfeed. I saw “Word Distiller” and thought, “YES. Fix my words please”!!! I knew I needed help, as I was almost to the point where I just wanted to quit and hire someone to do it completely for me. I was frustrated and ready to move on to the next steps of my launch.

Thankfully, Kirsten explained that this was a process that I needed to be involved in. And I’m so grateful she said that because of what happened next.  

Over the next few months, Kirsten helped me to discover my brand in a way I hadn’t thought of before. I say discover, because it really was exactly that, a discovery.

She talked me through various steps for getting crystal clear on my message, my purpose, my intention, my voice and tone, and even my personality. She helped me with far more than simply writing my sales page. She has given me the ability to actually be my brand by helping me become so clear on every aspect of it. This not only helps me to create the specific funnels I was working on, but honestly it has and will continue to help me write every other funnel or sales page after that.

It helps me with my emails, my social media content, and even with the things I say when I’m speaking. Whether I’m talking about my programs or my business as a whole, I’m no longer over-explaining things or confusing people. No more feeling shy or uncertain.

Thanks to Kirsten, I’m now clear, concise, real, authentic and I sound like myself. Nothing is forced, I’m not struggling or trying too hard. I’m just clear on who I am, who I’m helping and what I bring to the table. I somewhat understood those things prior to working with Kirsten, but this is like a whole different level.  

Thank you, Kirsten! Working with you has been an invaluable experience and what I’ve learned will benefit my business for years to come. I can now confidently and comfortably deliver my message to the world!

Rebecca Weston

So, how is this all going to work?

First of all, you need to lose a few beliefs that are not serving you...

There's no need to write long sales pages


Copyblogger confirms that "Long copy works, because people want as much benefit-oriented information as they personally need to make the purchase."

And Unbounce stated that a longer sales page resulted in a 52% increase in sales. 

online readers have the attention span of a goldfish

This myth has been debunked and it's shifting the blame from you to your audience

Your audience has an almost infinite attention span - it's your job to make it worth their time (and money) investment.

Showing that you understand and solve your clients' problems - gets you their undivided attention!

my service doesn't need long explanations

Sure, if you want to spend hours in sales conversations.

Again Copyblogger has it right: "When your offer carries a high price tag and you want the purchase to happen online (as opposed to another sales channel), you’ll sell more with long copy."

And the same applies to any education or information-rich, innovative, online or feature-rich services.

A proven template guarantees success

Not quite true because that “exact” template and language has worked for the entrepreneur who created it.

Yes, the template is most likely using some copywriting techniques that universally work because they are based on well-researched psychological principles. (And I teach those too!)

But the language won’t work for you because it is not your language - and your carefully nurtured audience will think that they’ve landed on someone else’s sales page because they cannot detect your voice. 

Copywriting is a talent that you either have or you don’t

Not true!

Copywriting is not an art but a craft that can be learned. It’s not programmed into your DNA but rather a trade that you learn and practise like any other skill that you want to be good at.

True, there are quite a few things to be learned but you don’t need to learn every copywriting technique and trick before you can write a sales page. You only need to learn those that are essential to writing your own sales page!

Writing a sales page is mind-destroyingly boring!

On the contrary!

It will soon get you excited because you learn a skill that you can use over and over again – a skill that will make your money…

…And you get new insights into yourself, your customer, your offer, your brand – and refine your messaging.  

Once you know the WHAT and the HOW, writing can be good fun – and your audience will see your joy and excitement shine through in your copy! 

Ok, so how do I get from "Sales Page Angst" to "Sales Page Joy"?

It begins with a step-by-step sales page framework that gives you a structure, teaches you how to write each element of the sales page and then - I guide you personally through the process of lifting your sales page from awful to awesome!

#1 Clarify your messaging foundations

This step sorts through the clutter of all the ideas and information that you have collected over time and takes you from this complexity of scattered details to clear and structured messaging

Your selling point & personal differentiation

So that you get clients who only want to work with you because they understand that your offer serves them better than the competition

Your brand personality & brand messaging 

So that your audience connects with you emotionally and “feels” that you are the right person to work with

Your offer & transformational outcome 

So that you and your audience are 100% clear on what they are getting when signing up with you

Your ICA & their messaging needs

So that you know what your clients want but can also give them what they desperately need 

#2 Discovering Sales Page STructures  & Copywriting Tools & Techniques

The focus is on the theory you need to craft a “sales conversation in writing”. It refreshes your sales knowledge and introduces you to the copywriting tools and techniques that you need to write a converting sales page. It includes:

Principles of a sales page & the customer’s journey

So that you can apply proven sales processes and techniques and know which information your prospects need to make a buying decision

Sales page structures that match the type of offer you are selling

So that you follow the optimal structure that you need to sell your offer

Copywriting 101 – the Do’s and Don’ts of copywriting

So that you have a toolbox of copywriting tools and techniques that can serve you in any scenario where you need to convey your message with clarity

Sales page elements explained & how you write each section of your sales page

So that you understand the function of each element on your sales page and can write each with a deliberate outcome in mind

#3  Writing & Editing Your 1st Draft

Breaking down the writing of your sales page into bite-sized chunks so that you can craft one section at a time without overwhelm and with a clear overarching outcome in mind. It includes:

A writing process & workbook that leads you through the writing of each section of your sales page

So that you craft a sales page where every sentence and every word is focused on your conversion goal

A sales page checklist

So that you can ensure that no element is missing and that you have written each section of your sales page according to the structure you have chosen

Proofreading & Editing Prossesses

So that you can deliver an optimised draft for my written feedback (and know how to proofread and edit any content and copy you’ll ever write)

Written feedback that identifies sections that should be re-worked

So that you can refine your initial sales page draft and prepare yourself (and your questions) for our 1:1 Power Hour)

#4 The 1:1 power hour

The 1:1 Power Hour is focused on any areas that can still be improved and on word-smithing some copy sections that need a last polish. This section includes:

Power Hour Preparation

Where you refine your first sales page draft until you feel confident about it (you might also have identified a few areas you’d like to work on with me and questions you’d like to ask me) & the submission of your best draft prior to the Power Hour 

the 1: 1Power Hour

Where I walk through your sales page and pick up sections that can be further refined and wordsmithed so that you are ready to run a final round of proofreading and editing and either wire-frame or create your sales page on your platform

The "Sales Page Power Hour" is delivered to you in a comprehensive package that contains...

A unique combination of online learning and 1:1 coaching

Teaching Videos

Lifetime access to an online course platform that contains videos that teach you all you need to know in a step-by-step approach


Workbooks, checklists and cheat sheets that let you complete one task at a time until your whole sales page is written

Written Feedback

Detailed feedback from me on your sales page. This allows me to pick out specific points you can improve on and lets you fine-tune your copy until it works for you.

1:1 Live Workshop Session

A 60-minute Zoom call where I can answer your questions and review final changes together with you.

Sales Page Power Hour
- introductory price -


One-time fee, USD

  • Lifetime online course access
  • Workbooks, checklists & cheat sheets
  • Written feedback on your copy
  • 1:1 Live workshop session

But it doesn't contain any bonuses, because...

I created a package that is complete, focused, and perfect for learning the "how to" and then writing sales pages that convert.

There's no need for bonuses that compensate for the fact that there usually is an implementation gap between an online course and making things work (because my offer includes a feedback and a workshop element).

I don't like to create urgency with deadlines, reduced prices or limited spaces (however, this is a new (but tested) offer and that is reflected in the current investment).

It is important that you realise that you need to power up your sales page. I am only giving you the details about my solution so that you can decide in your own time if my offer is right for you. And if you are unsure of the impact that a weak sales page has on your business, then you might not see the urgency that lets you fully commit to make the "Sales Page Power Hour" work for you.

So, if you are not convinced, committed, and eager to fix your sales page issues, then you are less likely to take action and complete the whole programme. Which in return has an impact on the effectiveness of this programme.

And finally, bonuses often take the focus away from the main goal - which is writing a sales page that converts - and they can lead to imposter syndrome because you feel that there are many other things that you need to do first.

So, that's why I don't have any bonuses and if that makes sense to you, then go ahead and sign up!

"Before working with Kirsten I wrote a lot of posts, a podcast, and tried to write a blog years ago. I had some training in copy and content creation, but I felt like I wasn’t getting traction.

 [...] After working with Kirsten I feel way more confident in both my writing and who my audience is! [...] now when I write, I know exactly what problems I’m solving and for whom[...]

 I got more clarity on my ideal client, discovered my brand voice, and I learned more about myself and how my strengths serve my clients. [...]"

Kristine Kolzing
CEO, The Alingment Tribe

I highly recommend her course if you are looking to achieve real results. Before her course, I was writing some blog posts for a few clients but I was never 100% sure my writing was resonating with the audience.

 Although writing has always been fairly easy for me, changing my mindset to write copy that converted into sales was a challenge. I always felt I could be much more compelling because the copy written by others seemed so much more engaging by comparison. I do have a journalism degree but a lot of my training is geared toward hard news and magazine writing.

Since Kirsten’s course, I have learned to change my mindset. I consider my client’s challenges before I write and consider how the product or service I'm writing about will solve those challenges. I've learned to create an outline of major points to develop within the copy which will solve their problems. instead of writing fluff pieces, overall, my confidence in copy writing has improved and enabled me to take on three more clients since Kirsten's course."

Veronica Murillo Panagiotou
Journalist & Digital Storyteller

When I tied to write copy, my sales page in particular, I would just brain dump everything. I tried to follow the format of someone else's sales page but my writing was always disjointed.

  It was excruciatingly hard to write a sales page and what I wrote had no flow and the outcome of my offer was very unclear.  

After I worked with Kirsten, my writing had purpose and I was able to see what I needed to create a clear journey for my clients.  

The techniques Kirsten shared gave me insights and the knowledge that I need to repeat this process.  

I had never taken any copywriting training before but now I really like my sales page. I am proud of what I have written and the peace of mind that I now have a fantastic sales page.

Felicity Patterson
CEO & Founder, Detangle

"It’s rare that you come across standout talent like Kirsten! She is absolutely amazing!

 Before I met Kirsten, I hated writing and would try to avoid it at all costs because I had no writing skills or confidence. I thought that writing was a natural talent or gift and that I just didn’t have it.  

But, Kirsten has opened me up to the beautiful world of writing. She is very patient, very focused, has a keen eye for detail… I cannot speak highly enough of her incredible skills."

Samantha Edwards
Habit Change Coach & Hormone Expert

You might have a few QUESTIONS

This course is not based on "fill in the blanks" templates. It is based on a framework that works with your business foundations so that you can create your sales page based on your unique differentiation and the knowledge that you have about yourself, your business, and your brand.

It works with your specific messaging framework, the unique benefits that you offer, your values and beliefs. That allows you to make your sales page authentically you and stand out between generic sales pages that all use the same language.

But the most important difference is that this package has feedback and 1:1 coaching component.
The reason is that I am working with many business owners who have tried a templated approach and once they had written their sales page, they had many unanswered questions and needed some specific feedback on their sales page copy.

Another aspect that I'd like to mention is, that I am not a big believer in FOMO or scarcity marketing. I believe that being authentic and very specific with your offer allows you to pre-qualify your clients. Your clients know exactly what they get and whom they are going to work with. They know how it works and whether it is exactly what they need.

That also saves you from offering heaps of bonuses or guarantees. You want your clients to buy your core offer because that is what solves their problem - not because it comes with lots of other features that send them down a rabbit hole.

I believe in focus to achieve goals. Focusing on your core offer gets better results and makes happier clients.

That depends on you, what kind of insights and documents you already have on your business, how well you already have defined your brand messaging, your programme's transformational journey, the features and benefits, and how thoroughly you work through the course material.

It's possible that you refer back to the material a few times and until you have totally internalised the course's copywriting knowledge.

I cannot give you any guarantees with regards to how exactly your sales page will convert. A sales page is part of a larger system that contains many factors that influence performance - which I cannot control or influence.

The best sales page cannot perform if it cannot be found or if you are talking to the wrong people.

A lot depends on the implementation and the systems and processes around your sales page. A sales page is not a magic pill but if it is embedded in the right environment, it can achieve amazing outcomes.

There's no time limit on how long it will be accessible. 

No problem! You can always book extra time with me. The only thing that you need to do is contact me and I will see if I can schedule you for a 120min intensive workshop at $399 USD

This framework works particularly well for service-based offers and online courses. However, you can use it for any product or service you are offering. 

Your sales page needs to go somewhere and needs to be integrated into your funnel system. For that you don't need a specific system but you need to be able to create funnels either with the infrastructure that you have (like Social Media, your website etc) or on a platform of your preference.

I'd also recommend for you to register a free Zoom account if you don't have one right now. There are other video conferencing platforms that we could use but Zoom works best. 

To write copy, you don't need to be a "born" writer. However, it helps if you are writing regularly because that lets you find your "voice" with more ease.

You'll learn all the copywriting techniques you need to write your sales page and there are a few tricks that can help you if writing is not your preferred medium. 

A payment plan is available on request!


Your sales page is part of your marketing ecosystem. The level of success that you gain from your sales page depends on your strategies and how much time you devote to your offers, ideas, techniques, knowledge, investments and various other factors that have an impact on the success of your sales page.

The Word Distiller cannot guarantee your success or income level as that is dependent on your actions - for which the Word Distiller is not responsible.